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A company is currently using AWS CodeCommit for its source control and AWS CodePipeline for continuous integration. The pipeline has a build stage for building the artifacts which is then staged in an Amazon S3 bucket.
The company has identified various improvement opportunities in the existing process, and a Solutions Architect has been given the following requirement:
* Create a new pipeline to support feature development
* Support feature development without impacting production applications
* Incorporate continuous testing with unit tests
* Isolate development and production artifacts
* Support the capability to merge tested code into production code.
How should the Solutions Architect achieve these requirements?
Answer: A
A company is building an AWS landing zone and has asked a Solutions Architect to design a multi-account access strategy that will allow hundreds of users to use corporate credentials to access the AWS Console. The company is running a Microsoft Active Directory and users will use an AWS Direct Connect connection to connect to AWS. The company also wants to be able to federate to third-party services and providers, including custom applications.
Which solution meets the requirements by using the LEAST amount of management overhead?
Answer: B
A company is planning on hosting its ecommerce platform on AWS using a multi-tier web application designed for a NoSQL database. The company plans to use the us-west-2 Region as its primary Region. The company want to ensure that copies of the application and data are available in second Region, us-west-1, for disaster recovery. The company wants to keep the time to fall over as tow as possible. Fading back to the primary Region should be possible without administrative interaction after the primary service is restored.
Which design should the solutions architect use?
Answer: C
The following AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) customer managed policy has been attached to an IAM user:
which statement describes the access that this policy provides to the user?
Answer: C
A Solutions Architect is working with a company that operates a standard three-tier web application in AWS. The web and application tiers run on Amazon EC2 and the database tier runs on Amazon RDS. The company is redesigning the web and application tiers to use Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda, and the company intends to deploy the new application within 6 months. The IT Manager has asked the Solutions Architect to reduce costs in the interim.
Which solution will be MOST cost effective while maintaining reliability?
Answer: B
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